Asia South Korea

Jeju Black Pig: Jeju Island Specialty

We flew from Seoul to Jeju on our second day in South Korea. Upon arrival in our hotel, we immediately ask the receptionist to contact a cab driver to take us around Jeju. Since we did not have enough time for breakfast, we were looking forward for our lunch. We told Mr. Kang, our cab driver/tour guide, we wanted to try the famous Jeju black pig and Makgeolli that we always see in Korean Dramas. 

grilled pork
I noticed that the actual flesh of Jeju black pig is the same as the usual pig. The only difference is that the hair is black.

As soon as we arrived, the Ahjumma took our orders and switched on the grill. She went to the kitchen and went back with an array of side dishes like red bean paste, mushrooms, raw garlic, kimchi, bean sprout, onions, seaweed, crisp lettuce and anchovies. We got really excited. This meal really looks like what we see in Korean dramas.

don’t cut the sandwich, eat in one big bite!

It’s funny though. When we started eating, the ahjumma went over to our table and told us we were eating it the wrong way. She actually did not tell us, but she did some hand signals and we sort of understand. Mr. Kang went to our table as well and he taught us the proper way of eating. I did not know there is a korean barbeque do’s and dont’s! 

It was very intimidating at first because the ahjumma was closely watching us. She said “Aigoo” in a funny way when my friend Maki did not eat all of it in one bite. The ahjumma does not have any idea Maki hates veggies! Lol. I was under the impression that korean BBQ is a DIY thing. But in our case, Ahjumma did all the BBQ magic. I think she was just making sure that we eat it according to their Korean way.

How to eat Korean BBQ?

Get a piece of lettuce and wrap around the freshly grilled meat. Add bean paste and grilled garlic. Make a bite size sandwich. I don’t recommend 2 lettuce leaves because the size gets bigger and it would be hard to chew. 

The meat of Jeju black pig was really good! It was tender with a yummy taste even though it was not marinated prior to cooking. It certainly does not have the oily and porky taste that is commonly found in ordinary pork meat.

Of course, Korean BBQ will not be complete without the traditional wine Makgeolli (pronounced Makolli). Just like what I saw in the drama, Cinderella’s sister, it is rich, creamy and has a tangy taste. We did not finish the entire bottle because we will continue the tour after we eat and it’s not a good time to be drunk!

Overall Experience

The korean restaurant we went to did not fail our expectations. It was indeed an authentic Korean meal with lots of side dishes with free refills. The Ahjumma was delighted when she heard I love Kimchi so she gave me another plate. 

If you guys are curious as to what Jeju black pig looks like, here’s a photo I took in Jeju Folk Village. It is basically a pig with black skin, hence the name. If you will visit Jeju anytime soon, I highly recommend trying this specialty. It’s a perfect treat after a whole day of touring!

First Published: February 23, 2014

By Project Gora

Hey there! My name is Milet Miranda, and I'm a full-time corporate employee during weekdays and a traveler during weekends (and get the picture). I'm a foodie at heart and I love joining food tours. When I'm not traveling, you'll find me walking my dogs or biking around my neighborhood.

2 replies on “Jeju Black Pig: Jeju Island Specialty”

We got a very cheap airfare from Easterjet (2.9K RT with free baggage allow of up to 15 KG). The standard rate for a day tour in Jeju is around 130,000 – 150,000 KRW per day (8 hours). This includes parking fee, driver's lunch and fuel. If you are travelling in group, say 3-4 pax, I suggest you take this tour. Entrance fee to Jeju's famous attractions is not included. You can ask your hotel's receptionist to contact a cab for this tour. 🙂

Hi. What flight did u take from seoul going to jeju? and how much did u spend? i'm planning a trp with my friends, they wanted to go to jeju at least for a day. i really dont know how to do it since i've been to seoul once. and i have no idea how much it would cost us

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